Cover art by Bekka Björke


HELL’S GULF: the new horror novel by Nick Carlson via Temple Dark Books.

Rowan Vane, a wannabe writer with the confidence of a leaf in a hurricane, is on a soul-searching vacation with his damaged family in Hell’s Gulf – a ramshackle, no-horse stain on Florida’s reputation.

You might be forgiven for asking why he’d go there, but forgiveness isn’t much of a commodity amongst the denizens of this godforsaken place – they’ve a bit of an axe to grind.

With a history as dark and pungent as its waters, this bit-too-quiet beach town in the navel of nowhere is patrolled by a delightfully xenophobic sheriff who sees ‘foreign agents’ arriving on every rotten jetty.

This picturesque town boasts abandoned ghostly ruins, unusually amorous sea life, mutant creatures and dastardly deeds that form the stories of the town’s affable alcoholics.

Oh, and something’s been killing the people here for decades.

Yes, folks, Hell’s Gulf really has it all. All you need is a little imagination.

Fortunately, Rowan’s brought his along with all the bells and whistles.

And some fishing tackle.

HELL’S GULF is officially featured on Learn more about the novel, myself, and some of my favorite similar books by clicking here!


A standalone Hell’s Gulf prequel about monsters, murders, and birds.

Lance Aukland has lost a bird of prey and is at risk of losing his job as a small-time reporter. He’s usually not so careless, but tracking the hawk to a backwater town that even the gators swim clear of turns out to be about as smart a move as buying that old candy house in the woods that Grandma always liked. Still, this town’s got history, and it just so happens that Lance isn’t too clear on his.

Encountering toad-licking locals and nose-picking yokels, Lance finds himself embroiled in the echoes of an old murder that happened back when the King Tide rolled in, becoming convinced that the perpetrators never rolled out.

As the mystery unravels and Lance puts his investigative skills to work, he discovers an outcast tribe of swamp-dwellers who just ain’t right in the head; learns about pirates whose legacy is all too potent; and finds himself stalked by twisted creatures harbouring their own plans for lucky old Lance.

But history has a way of repeating itself, and as Lance learns the truth of his family history and the legendary God Tide comes a-rollin’ in, it may be that some sins just won’t wash clean.

Yes, folks, Nick Carlson takes us back to Hell’s Gulf – probably hogtied in the bed of a rusty pickup – and explores further the background of its residents and resentments. But we’ve been here before, and forewarned is forearmed, right?


REVIEWS for Hell’s Gulf

“Nick Carlson has crafted a deep dive into a world of horror filled with well-drawn characters, explosive action, and surprising twists. [His] debut novel is a riveting excursion into a world best visited only in the pages of a book. Hell’s Gulf is wonderfully brought to life in this tale of men and monsters.”
- David Lubar, author of Hidden Talents

"Brilliant and enchanting use of dialogue that demonizes whatever it touches...[a] rough and tough horror novel..." - N.A Battaglia


“Engaging prose, fun dialogue…the story is great, with dotted clues that fall into place towards the end.” - Ronald A. Geoby

“…razor-sharp wit and dark sense of humor. [Carlson’s] writing is laced with sardonic observations and clever one-liners that provide comic relief amidst the darkness of the story. This blend of humor and horror makes for a unique and engaging reading experience…a rollicking return to the enigmatic Hell's Gulf…a journey you won't want to miss." - Baz Black, Actor/Writer/Director